September 17 - Grazie a Puccini | Gayane Ghambaryan September 17 - Vivaldi & Piazzolla | Eight Seasons Sep. 18, Oct. 5, Nov. 1 - Feast of Predators September 19, November 10 - The Auditor September 19 - Lyu-Boeuf / Лю-Беф September 19 - Aznavour 100 September 20, October 20 - Better Late Than Never September 20 - Good Morning, My Angels September 20 - Man in a Palm Sep․ 21, Oct․ 12, Nov․ 29 - The Thief in Paradise September 21 - Genesis of Victory September 21, October 12 - The Booted Cat September 22 - Berd Dance Ensemble September 22 - The Last Teacher September 22 - Don't Leave Your Beloved Sep. 22, Oct․ 6, Nov․ 30 - Tumanyan Mosaic September 23 - 'Anticvar' Lernik September 23 - Camille Saint-Saens - Cello Concerto No. 1 | ASSO September 23 - Hovn Anush September 24 - Thumbalina September 24 - Hover State Chamber Choir: Concert September 25 - Organ Festival | Opening Concert September 25 - The Musicians of Bremen September 26 - The Mermaid September 26 - Family Without Roof September 27 - Dear Yelena Sergeevna Sep. 27, Oct․ 19, Nov․ 9 - The Last Stop September 27 - Ride and Go September 27 - A Tribute to Vardapet | Tagharan Ensemble September 28, October 13 - Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs September 28 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory September 28 - Key for Two September 29, October 6 - Die First, Then I'll Love You September 29 - Town Musicians of Bremen September 29 - Seven Minutes September 29 - Ballerina September 30 - ...And It's Snowing Outside! October 1 - Veronika Decides to Die October 1 - Sima Dansik October 2 - The Seven Wives of Bluebeard October 3, November 20 - Flowers for Algernon October 5 - The Situation Has Changed in the Building October 5 - Aznavour 100։ NCOA and Sipan Olah October 6 - Beauty and the Beast October 9 - Rapunzel October 9, November 2 - Grandma October 10, November 13 - The Chinese Can As Well Be Armenian October 11, November 17 - Love Stir October 11 - The Madman October 13 - My Wife, Your Husband and․․․ October 17 - Remember Tomorrow October 17 - Nazar the Brave October 18 - Le Cid Oct․ 18, Nov․ 28 - Love Story in New York October 18 - Arthur Khachents And HaieGen Band October 20 - Tigran Zhamkochyan October 20 - Lyoka: Kyank October 24 - Jochem Schuurman | International Organ Festival Oct․ 25, Nov․ 16 - My Wife's Name Is Maurice Oct․ 27, Nov․ 14 - Morgan's In-Law October 28 - Tchaikovsky - “Swan Lake” Suite | ASSO November 6 - Female Figures
Lyoka: Kyank
Price 5000, 7000 AMD
On October 20, we are delighted to invite you to attend Lyoka's first major solo concert and the presentation of his first album.

The album's title "Kyank" (Life) is a wordplay between "life" and "existence," expressing the idea that we live a life where we merely exist, but not always in our place and not in our homes.

This album is the result of Lyoka's many years of work and the realization of his dream, his most precious achievement on his creative journey. This is one of Lyoka's dreams, and your presence is very important for its realization.

At this concert, Lyoka will talk about his life, dreams, homeland, and compatriots, sincerely sharing the depths of his soul.

Additionally, many famous artists will join Lyoka on stage, with whom you have already loved his duets or will hear them for the first time that day.

Prepare for surprises and unforgettable moments. Come enjoy this wonderful evening with us, filled with emotions, and be witnesses to this important event. This evening may bring you new discoveries about Lyoka and his art.

Time: 7:00 PM

Ticket prices: 
Standard - 5000 AMD
Fan zone - 7000 AMD


20 октября с большим удовольствием приглашаем вас принять участие в первом большом сольном концерте Лёки и презентации его первого альбома.

Название альбома "Кянк" (Жизнь) - игра слов между "жизнью" и "существованием", выражающая идею о том, что мы живем в жизни, где просто существуем, но не всегда на своем месте и не в своих домах.

Этот альбом - результат многолетней работы и осуществления мечты Лёки, ценное достижение на его творческом пути. Это одна из мечт Лёки, и ваше присутствие очень важно для её реализации.

На этом концерте Лёка расскажет о своей жизни, мечтах, родине и соотечественниках, искренне поделившись глубинами своей души.

Кроме того, на сцене к Лёке присоединятся многие известные артисты, с которыми вы уже полюбили его дуэты или услышите их впервые в этот день.

Готовьтесь к сюрпризам и незабываемым моментам. Приходите наслаждаться этим прекрасным вечером, наполненным эмоциями, и станьте свидетелями этого важного события. Возможно, этот вечер откроет для вас новые грани творчества Лёки.

Начало в 19:00.

Стоимость билетов: 
Стандарт - 5000 др
Фан зона - 7000 др 

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